What is Selenium?
Selenium is an open-source web browser automation tool. It provides a single interface for writing test scripts in a variety of programming languages, including Ruby, Java, NodeJS, PHP, Perl, Python, and C#. The scripts are then executed by a browser driver on a browser instance on your device (more on this in a moment). Selenium WebDriver WebDriver, also known as Selenium 2.0, runs test scripts using browser-specific drivers. It consists of the following components: API API stands for an application programming interface. Through bindings, it converts test scripts written in Ruby, Java, Python, or C# to Selenese (Selenium's scripting language). Library This folder contains the API as well as language-specific bindings. Although there are numerous third-party bindings available to support various programming languages, the main project supports the following client-side bindings: Selenium Java (as selenium jar files), Selenium Ruby, Selenium .NET (or Selenium C#, availabl...